To book your place at BiCon 97, please print out the below text, fill in the form and send it with your cheque or postal order to:
Please Note: A discount will be applied to the prices below, if you book before or on the day of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride, in London on 5 July 1997.
THE BICON 97 BOOKING FORM (Please print out, fill in and tick where appropriate) INCOME BANDS Are your circumstances: A) Unwaged and up to £10,000 p.a - £25.00 booked before Pride, or £30.00 after B) £10,000 p.a. or above - £35.00 before Pride, or £40.00 after There will be a flat rate for accommodation of £20.00 per night. A limited hardship fund will be available. Name: ---------------------------------------- Address: ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Telephone: ---------------------------------------- E Mail: ---------------------------------------- I would like tickets for BiCon 97 at ukp per person for the whole conference. Accommodation: I will need accommodation for persons for nights. Breakfast yes/no Continental/English ---------------------------------------------- Total for conference (ukp): Total for accommodation: ----------------------------------------------- Grand Total (ukp): ----------------------------------------------- The nights I'll need accommodation for are: Thursday / Friday / Saturday I am/will also require the following (we will need your phone number or contact point): Reservation of creche space / BSL signing / Help with a physical or sensory disability / Details of campsites in the area / A qualified first aider / a qualified counsellor. *Important* I would like to be considered for the Bicon'97 hardship fund yes/no I would like to pay by three postdated cheques yes/no I would really love to run a workshop yes/no. (Please give details of your proposed workshop below.) ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Please send this form (snail mail!) to: Bicon 97, BM BiCon, London WC1N 3XX, England UK.
BICON® is a registered trade mark of BiCon Continuity Ltd, and is used with permission.
BICON® is a registered trade mark of BiCon Continuity Ltd, and is used with permission.